A few more Dangerous Hero revelations

TheCritique Archives

by Martin Odoni

In response to the Mail on Sunday’ssearing revelations about Jeremy Corbyn today, which were taken from extracts from Tom Bower’s Dangerous Hero: Corbyn’s ruthless plot for power, here are some more shocking behaviours from the Labour leader to add to the outrage we are all doubtless feeling at the very cores of our souls; –

Corbyn college weed useCorbyn crossing one way streetCorbyn flakeCorbyn GSTQCorbyn happy and you know itCorbyn inflationCorbyn lady legsCorbyn one-way street extravaganceCorbyn socks and orgyCorbyn toilet roll holderCorbyn wash n go

Feel free to suggest more in the comments below!

Corbyn clearly broken by Mail On Sunday revelationsYes, Mail On Sunday, you clearly have Jez on the ropes with the little lot you threw at him this morning.

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One response to “A few more Dangerous Hero revelations

  1. Truly shocking revelations from the the Hate on Sunday. To think people slag the tories for : record levels of homelessness, the bedroom tax, slashing benefits to the disabled, cutting taxes for the wealthy, over seeing the destruction of the high street, destroying the NHS, bankrupting Tory run councils, privatising the national assets so their mates in the city can make a fast buck ,inflicting austerity on the 95% and allowing a referendum on our membership of the biggest trading block on the planet in order to save their moribund disgrace of a party.
    Honestly how could anyone vote for Mr Corbyn. Where’s Lord Sutch when we need him.


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