End of Season Far East Tour Under Way – by Rob Atkinson

After a season of few ups and too many downs, of pressure and nerves, of joy and disappointment – actually, as you were with the joy – the traditional end-of-term junket starts this evening, and it’s Ho! for the Far East.

Yes, fellow sufferers, it’s off to Filey for a few escapist days at the glorious East Coast for Life, Leeds United, the Universe & Everything, together with that tired and dispirited blog’s long-suffering wife or “significant other” depending on how traditionalist or otherwise you might be. It’s not before time – blog posts have been flowing thick and fast of late (mostly the former) – so it’s time for a rest before the keyboard melts. A little fresh air and fun should give the hardware a much-needed rest as well as recharging the cerebral batteries of one R Atkinson Esq. (Sole Prop.) That’s the plan anyway.

In practice, and whatever Mrs Rob might be fondly imagining, football will most likely still play a fair old part of the so-called “complete break”. I’ll be watching the Cup Final as I have a tenner riding on it. I’ll try to keep up with the various play-offs as well – and I do intend to submit the blogular equivalent of a saucy postcard or two, in the hope that this might stop my esteemed readership forgetting all about me and #LLUUE.

Any posts I manage to put up while I’m away will be somewhat limited by the fact I’m having to submit them via an iPhone instead of my trusty desktop dinosaur. But I promise to try and stay topical and relevant, with maybe a whiff of the briny and the odd 99 cornet – just to provide that holiday atmosphere.

In the meantime I’ll wish you all a pleasant weekend, just in case my mobile technology lets me down. In that case, I’ll be back online next Wednesday by which time, of course, everything will have changed for the unrecognisably different down Elland Road, and we’ll have to set the scene all over again – after which I shall need another holiday…

Arrivederci and MOT

28 responses to “End of Season Far East Tour Under Way – by Rob Atkinson

  1. You will be blessed with great weather until Monday even then it won’t be too bad


  2. Have a good un rob hope the sun shines on u and the mrs


  3. I think the weather is going to be cracking for you rob so don’t forget you’re speedo’s , have a good un


  4. Have a good one Rob


  5. Rob have a well deserved break Mon Ami, if your other half is happy with Costa del File’ she must love you dearly! Try the hotel Melia in Mallorca? Tre good. Have a good rest , Rob


    • We’ve always loved Filey, but we do venture abroad when circumstances permit! Haven’t tried that hotel, or indeed Mallorca – it’s tended to be south of France or one of the costas for us. But when my ship comes sailing in, Amigo, I may well try out that recommendation – so thanks 🙂 MOT


  6. David Smith

    Rob – I am surprised that your lady wife allows you any access to the blog whilst away – I remember once taking my work Blackberry on holiday to Florida with me ………. it did not go down well with Mrs S. Enjoy your break!


    • I allow my lovely wife 99% freedom of choice in how she leads her daily life. The only things she is not allowed to do are: A – nag; B – restrict my activities in any way shape or form, and; C – nag.

      Over a marriage that has been harmonious for all of its 25 years minus two weeks duration, we have found that this arrangement suits us perfectly 😀


  7. Aussie Dave

    Don’t forget the red wine Rob…..Doc’s orders!


  8. Enjoy that well-earned rest mate and should your boat REALLY come in you might try the “arse-end of the World” (ex-Prime Minister Paul Keating’s loving description of Oz, from a geographical perspective I hasten to add.
    Mr Orange raised the spectre of you in Speedo’s… I suggest you take a look at our current PM the disgraceful ocker Tony Abbott. He loves wearing his budgie smugglers in public, and it just shouldn’t be allowed. Maybe yours should remain at home, for Mrs Rob’s amusement only… Cheers!


  9. Paul Nihill

    Rob, I’d say enjoy the break from this mental circus we’ve been buying canyfloss at for an eternity now, but I know you’ll be glued to it even more on your hols. It’s what we do aint it ! Torture ourselves in the belief that while we’re away everything will have righted itself again. Simon’s in charge. Some genuine pacey quality has been signed to back up what we have and Jonny, Snoddy et al lead us to you know where. Except that’s bollox…..what really happens is you refresh like a mad un only to discover more shit has happened that would make science fiction would blush.
    Still, there we are then, as Stacey’s Mam would say. Anyone for an omelette ?
    Roll on 2014-15. Things couldn’t get any worse could they ???!!!

    Buono Viaggio…..
    Your Friends @ Ennis LUSC Ireland


    • Fantastic summary of the surreal parallel universe experience that is being a Leeds fan 🙂 You have to laugh, or you’d sob uncontrollably…

      Many thanks, guys 🙂 MOT


  10. Enjoy your holiday Rob, after the amount of output you’ve given this season you deserve it! MOT!


  11. bairdysgonnagetyou

    Walk on to Reighton sands and Flamborough and release the stress…and possibly the wife too mate!


  12. patrick hogan

    I think Filey’s quite posh for a working class Leeds fan. We only used to get a day trip to Scarborough on the train when I was a lad. But I don’t begrudge you achieving higher status in your life. Could be much worse. Your missus might prefer downtown Hornsea where you’d be avoiding tigers.


  13. peacock273

    Have a well-deserved break, Rob and soak the fingertips in something soothing. The way the summer’s lining up, they’re going to be busy when you get back.


  14. bairdysgonnagetyou

    Don’t forget The Three Tuns and Bonhommes Rob-enjoy!


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