Leeds Must Avoid Giving Home Ref Taylor Any Excuse to Penalise Them Today – by Rob Atkinson

Anthony Taylor’s predecessor in his man u heyday

Let’s face it, it’ll be a bit of a shock if there isn’t a penalty awarded against Leeds United today. The media darlings of man u seem to be able to rack up the spot kicks if any opposing player so much as glances at Rashford & Co in the box, and with today’s ref being a mancunian from a family of Old Trafford season ticket holders, it would hardly be a surprise to see at least one awarded today.

Leeds, we understand, are going to venture into the swamp playing their normal game, which tends to give knowledgeable Whites fans the collywobbles, thinking of all that space for St Marcus to sprint into, prior to doing the half pike with double twist once in our area. The concentration from Leeds today will have to be exemplary if we’re to avoid that scenario, along with the adjacent one of having somebody vital red carded early doors. Both of these doom-laden outcomes have come about in my recent nightmares, and they could so easily translate into reality against the Pride of Devon later this afternoon.

Whatever happens, we will doubtless carry on as per the instructions of our deity incarnate, Marcelo Bielsa. And that’s just as it should be, as he’s long ago earned the right to our unquestioning trust and confidence. I’m just keeping my fingers crossed that we can acquit ourselves well against the fourteen men of Manchester, and that our eleven lads will walk out there with heads held high and do battle as we’d all wish them to.

In the circumstances, I’d settle for a draw.

Marching On Together

11 responses to “Leeds Must Avoid Giving Home Ref Taylor Any Excuse to Penalise Them Today – by Rob Atkinson

  1. In all honesty if we get anything it’s a bonus for me, if you consider the cost of their squad compared to ours it should be a no brainer however how we play and their home form combined make it less clear cut.
    To get a win against a so called top 6 team would give us real impetus for the Christmas games to come plus the fact its them the overhyped darlings of everyone who know nowt about football but all wear their shirts, have no real idea whereManchester is having never been. I cannot put into words how much I hope we get something out of this but will not be to upset if we don’t as it’s almost a free hit.
    Good piece again Rob.


  2. Uncle Dave

    St Marcus might promise his Ref a nod in the right direction for an O.B.E for services to fair refereeing and free school dinners for his family ( or prawn sarnies?) 3 points for us and 1 for the blades would do nicely.


  3. Hamish Raw

    As a Brighton supporter I can assure you that leaving the swamp with a point is only half the battle. You guys can be halfway back to your Leeds wattle-and-daub huts and find out VAR has still awarded a penalty against you although the ref has blown for full-time.


    • Yes Hamish, I nearly included that incident which I remember annoyed me almost as much as it evidently did you. Solidarity against the plastic mancs from our wattle and daub huts to your salons and poodle parlours (PS – you were slightly jammy today).


  4. Man U 6 – 2 Leeds U hurts, really hurts! But perspective is needed as we lick our wounds: Leeds is still, basically, an underfunded Championship side, with many of its key players in a small squad missing for this match, playing an over-funded Premiership side. With a full squad, and the January transfer window, revenge will be much sweeter when it comes in the return fixture at Elland Road. ‘Can’t see Leeds finishing in the Top Six but, with luck, which we didn’t have today, we might rain on Manure’ parade – the joy of schadenfreude!


    • Wise words. I’ve just seen our squad value is 17th in the EPL, which slightly surprised me. Marginally less than Sheff Utd. We’re at the start of a steep learning curve here.


  5. I was going to say that our squad is still mostly made up of the championship players that got us promoted but wise words from others have beaten me to it. You can raise players standards coach them until it squeaks but for some the level they can attain has been reached and against better players unfortunately it can get exposed as was the case yesterday although it had me squirming as the goal tally against us mounted up not helped by my so called friends fans of other clubs as they heaped the abuse on me.
    This season for me has always been one of consolidation taking points off the bottom 10 should see us safe while games against the top 6 are almost free hits although yesterday hurt as it was them. The way we line up and play this will happen but it will also go our way as was the case on Wednesday so in summary we need to move on on take points against Burnley and West Brom and in the summer improve again which for some will mean being moved on.
    Lastly the pundits to think the likes of Chris Sutton, Lineker, Dublin and the others will have any pinging on the radar of Marcelo stop wasting your breath we were never going to play out the season parking the bloody bus hoping to snatch a point here and there and neither were we going to win the league, I love watching us play and so do all you lot carping about us just enjoy it for what it is…. It’s called entertainment.


  6. Life is LUFC

    I know this is not the right game we have moved on since then…..Baggies 0 LUFC 5.
    One tart to another tart……have you ever watched LUFC play over the last three years, thought not. Apparently she played the game herself I wonder for which planet.
    “Promoted because of Covid” I’m right she did play for another planet CHELSEA. She obviously has foot and mouth issues.
    Please feel free to move this comment to the most appropriate narrative Rob.
    Meowww 😹😹😹
    I’m so bloody mad I could crush a grape.


    • Not sure how to reassign this to a different article, but I have now published something about this Carney thing, so if you wish to resubmit this under that more recent and relevant piece, that’s absolutely fine – MOT


  7. Greaat reading


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