Giggs Named ‘Manager of the Year’ After Norwich Walkover – by Rob Atkinson

Those vile Giggs accusations

Those vile Giggs accusations

The football world was “United” on Saturday evening as the Mighty Man U proved that they are still the best team in the Universe – as long as they are guided by a true soccer genius and all-round nice guy, such as Ryan “Giggsywiggsy” Giggs.  It was a day of triumph for Giggs, who never put a foot wrong as he showed that, as well as being the greatest winger in the history of the game, he is also the finest coach quite literally ever.

This 4-0 walkover was started in the best traditions of the Pride of Devon with a penalty, as Welbeck went down over a non-existent foot inside the Canaries area.  Rooney gleefully converted with what must have been the finest penalty ever seen in the history of the game, to give the Rampant Reds a well-deserved half-time lead.  Second-half goals followed with Rooney completing his brace and sub Mata – introduced by Giggs in a stroke of managerial genius – also notching two.  The crowd at the Theatre of Hollow Myths thrilled to a display of attacking football, the like of which had never been seen before and put the legendary Brazilian team of the 1970 World Cup to shame.  On this evidence, it is impossible to dispute the wisdom of the Football Writers electing gorgeous, pouting Ryan as the best manager ever, even given his relative lack of experience at only 90 minutes.

It shouldn’t be forgotten that Giggs has not had it easy on his path to becoming the Greatest Coach in the Universe.  He’s had to fight for most of what he’s got in life – just ask ex-girlfriend, former Hollyoaks starlet and sometime punchbag Davinia Murphy.  Now, the media are right behind Giggs as he takes on the task of restoring Man U to their former winning ways.  His loyalty and commitment cannot be questioned – except possibly by his cuckolded brother Rhodri – and we can be sure that Our Ryan will stop at nothing to restore his beloved club to the Champions League at the earliest possible opportunity – by next week in fact, if UEFA know which side their bread is buttered.

Meanwhile, Man U fans from Torquay to Bangkok will be relieved that a man whose essential character so closely matches that of their favourite club is finally in charge and ready to oversee a return to more familiar methods of winning games and titles.  To this end, Giggs has inherited the Fergie Stopwatch and is prepared to have his face dyed puce with that distinctive purple nose detail made famous by the gruff Glaswegian Taggart lookalike.  It seems as though the good times will be back sooner rather than later down Trafford way – and the English press will have something to celebrate from this season after all.

Bad taste Giggs jibes

Bad taste Giggs jibes

Despite the fact that some hold a less-than-flattering view of the Welsh Genius – brother Rhodri for instance has labelled him “a worm, a weasel and a bottler” – true football fans will be well aware that the Quorn-munching superstar, the deserving winner of a BBC Sports Personality Award despite not possessing one, has what it takes to rise above all that and prove himself to be the Greatest Person in Creation, following Ferguson and Busby before him.

So let’s hear it for that nice guy, football genius – and now proven world-class coach – Ryan Giggsy Wiggsy!!

36 responses to “Giggs Named ‘Manager of the Year’ After Norwich Walkover – by Rob Atkinson

  1. Rob, do I detect a hint of sarcasm in this piece?


  2. fucking brilliant


  3. Will you stop having a pop, I’m still hoping he gets the job permanently.


  4. LeedsBowyer

    Bit too much sarcasm for my liking, you are usually better than that! What I will say is can you imagine supporting a team of players who threw the season away in a strop because they didn’t like the manager??


  5. Think you should devote more time to Leeds and less to that lot on the other side. We have more than our fair share who seem more interested in LUFC than their own team eg hammersfan. Makes you seem all Tetleys (bitter) Oh, and whilst I’m at it, keep the politics out of it, I don’t give a rats arse what your political point of view is, but I’m happy to read a clever article re all things LUFC. Cheers


    • Alan, people who tell me what to write, and order me to keep off politics or whatever, normally get only one bite on here – and then they’re banned. There’s only one boss here – and it ain’t you. You probably don’t give a rat’s arse about that either, but at least you can keep it to yourself in future.


    • How very amusing, a self proclaimed lefty with a totalitarian viewpoint if you don’t agree. Ban me and confirm you’re hypocritical stance. By the way, I love you really. Cheers AC


  6. scottywhites

    As i said yesterday rob you are a genius, you make me laugh to be honest i dont know what i would have done this season without this blog,Our boys did better today big mat smit 18 starts 11 goals good first season in a bigger league than he is used to could do well next season, once again rob thanks for being here…………MOT


    • Cheers Scotty – and hasn’t Matt Smith done well in terrible circumstances. In the right setup, with more quality and commitment around him (and Ross alongside) – I can see him wreaking havoc next season.


  7. This is the self preservation society.


  8. probably the best article ever


  9. “3 wins out of 4 against Teams fighting for their lives” great work McDermott manager of the month.

    Matt Smith, let’s hope we can keep him. The lure of the Premiership with glamour club Crystal Palace, may be too much.


  10. scottywhites

    dont listen to them rob you keep writing what you want to if its political then its political,isnt that what blogs are all about freedom of speech,if only some of these people read all of your blogs [alan] you would find the humor and some truths an them all, keep em coming ………….MOT


    • Scotty, politics has f all to do with football. Just ask David Haigh, clueless at both I know but at least he tried. I do appreciate the humour but putting a left wing stance on things to be “right on” is just sad. (Guess I’m probably banned now), so much for “freedom of speech eh”? MOT


      • You’re not banned – yet. You have to get a bit more annoying. I do find it ironic and amusing though, that you’re whinging on about free speech whilst telling me who to write about and which subject – politics – is to be avoided, by order of you. If you keep THAT up, you’re gone.


  11. Rob, I knew you would suggest that I was perspicacious.


  12. joe wicklow

    probably the best blog i have ever read rob i wil read this every day till i can quote verbatim thans rob


  13. By the way, sarcasm is always the lowest form of humour, but it smells better and is easier to pronounce than taramasolata.


  14. Sorry Rob, no reply as yet. Have I used too many words that you need to look up in the spellcheck/Thesaurus?


  15. Sorry Rob, you brought up free speech not me, you’re completely in the right to say what hell you want, but the best part of democracy is accepting that not everybody agrees with you. If you disagree with that then I’m afraid you’re a muddled up pup my dear. Cheers AC


  16. Caro Mio Roberto,

    I think we need a beer in the Original Oak or something like that to sort this out. I’m an ex LS6 boy now made good in Scum territory (aka Cornwall, nearly cried the amount of cheers that went up in the pub down here when they went 4-0 up but then again had a smile at the likes of Howson, Snodgrass, Jonson, never mind Luciano wishing they had never moved to the birdie song club). Love the banter and let me take the proverbial now again, on and on etc etc etc . Love being on the edge, is the only way to live. AC


  17. scottywhites

    sorry i said freedom of speech ……….MOT


  18. If I donate twenty do I get sponsorship?


  19. scottywhites

    I just read your class of 92 blog rob and it made the hairs stand up on the back of my neck i dont know how i missed it first time round but all the memorys came flooding back ,we are on the road to recovery now and with cellino we could be doing that within 3 years.As for alan this blog stands for all LEEDS UTD fans and we all have freedom of speech its just nice for us to be able to take the piss out of scum for a change mate and rob says it with just the right amount of spite humor and pride if you dont like it well you know what you can do mate[bye]…………MOT

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Stonemonkey

    Very amusing! What else can I say, I’m a man of few words 🙂


  21. I almost threw up at the BBC coverage on ‘main line’ news.
    Fawning, sycophants.
    Almost as sickening as their one sided coverage of the same sex marriage issue!


  22. I heard he only took up the mantle from Moyes because someone told him “WO is me…. “WO”Man United” after almost a full season of Skeletor at the helm. Still, he scored quicker than the players on the pitch.


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