No Leeds United Welcome for UK Returnee Harry “Judas” Kewell – by Rob Atkinson

Leeds fans United in grief and dignity

Leeds fans United in grief and dignity

Alan Smith. Eric Cantona. Rio Ferdinand. Three Leeds United players who opted to transfer their allegiance to the Evil Empire over the wrong side of the Pennines. In so doing, they attracted hatred and brickbats aplenty from Leeds followers. After all, they’d gone to the club we despise above almost any other, certainly as far as anything these islands can provide. So too, much earlier, had Joe Jordan and Gordon McQueen, along with the less-well remembered examples of Arthur Graham and Peter Barnes in the relatively small collective of former Leeds players who have identified themselves with the Pride of Devon and their repellent supporters. These individuals, heroes to Leeds fans at one time or another, were held individually and as a category to be traitors to the real United, of Elland Road. Figuratively speaking, as well as almost literally, they had sold their souls to the Devil.

But really, all that “treachery” stuff, as applied to a small group of misguided men is just so much nonsense. In some cases, it’s even an injustice – Alan Smith, for example, made his move against a background of a Leeds United desperate for money (does this sound familiar?) He even waived his own cut of the deal so that his former club could derive the maximum financial benefit. If that’s treachery, then Steve McClaren is a Dutchman.

For real treachery – allied to on-going bad taste and a degree of insensitivity that makes expenses cheat Maria Miller look like Mother Teresa – let me commend you to Harry Kewell Esq, formerly of this parish. Kewell, wearing the number 10 shirt, was one of the Leeds United side that emerged into a cauldron of seething hatred as the stricken Whites were forced to play the first leg of a UEFA Cup semi-final against Galatasaray mere hours after the savage murder of two of their supporters. The home side refused to wear black armbands, demonstrating utter and callous disrespect. They would later demand that the second leg should be played at a neutral venue, should their disgusting fans be banned from an Elland Road return.

The players of Leeds United looked up to the crowd that night and saw snarling faces, disfigured by feverish hatred, fingers drawn across necks in the time-disgraced but locally admired “throat-slitting” gesture, the whole nightmare scene played out against a backdrop of “Welcome to Hell” banners as the bestial home fans taunted the United support, who simply turned their back on proceedings at kick-off in what must count as the most dignified display of protest in recent history.

Kewell cannot possibly have failed to absorb that evil miasma of hate and malice. He cannot have failed to appreciate the intentional hurt inflicted by the Galatasaray club – and especially their cowardly fans – to the feelings of everybody concerned with the Leeds United cause, especially of course the bereaved families of Chris Loftus and Kevin Speight. Kewell must, surely, have felt as threatened and disgusted by the atmosphere prior to and during the game as any other United player that night. It was a match that, in the circumstances, should not have been played. Not that night, not so soon after those lads’ life-blood had been spilled. Perhaps never. Only the buffoons of UEFA could have made such a ridiculous decision as to rule the game should go ahead. It was an infamous night in the history of football.

If, on that night, you had predicted that any United player would, at some point in the future, willingly embrace that atmosphere, happily align himself with such a notoriously uncivilised set of “supporters” – you could have offered odds of ten thousand to one, and no takers. You’d have been laughed out of court, possibly with a few bumps and bruises for your own bad taste and lack of judgement. And yet, a few short years afterwards, Harry Kewell – “Mr. Anywhere-For-A-Fat-Contract” himself – elected to join that awful club and play for those despicable fans. It was an act of calculated disrespect to the victims, their families, their friends, the wider Leeds United community and decent football fans everywhere. It was base treachery in the raw; the act of a man who cannot see beyond his own narrow interests and who, frankly, could not give a damn.

At the time, he spouted a few mealy-mouthed platitudes about wishing to reconcile two sets of fans divided by tragedy. Yeah, OK Harry. Nothing to do with money after all, then? He could not have more effectively alienated Leeds fans everywhere if he had sat down and thought about how to do so for a year. It was an act of a vain and stupid young man whose God-given talent had set him up financially for life, but whose poverty of taste, sensitivity and loyalty would make the poorest beggar in the street look rich. Any player who had ever been connected with Leeds United should have realised that such a move was the ultimate in terrible ideas. It’s not something that should have needed explaining, not even to the meanest intellect or the most self-involved and vacant young man.

Now, fifteen years after the murders in Taksim Square, and with his football career at an end, Kewell is once more involved in English football, for the first time since a dilatory and uncommitted stint at Liverpool, as a member of the Watford FC coaching staff. Leeds fans will not welcome his return; for us, his copybook is blotted beyond any hope of redemption. Kewell put himself beyond the pale by the manner of his leaving Elland Road, when he and his agent held the club to ransom (in stark contrast to the example of Alan Smith, cited above) ensuring his pockets were well-lined, to the detriment of the club that gave him his start. His subsequent betrayal of the soul and spirit of Leeds United, by signing for that tawdry outfit from Istanbul, added gross insult to what was nearly a mortal injury.

Words like “Judas”, “traitor” and “treachery” are bandied about a bit too freely, sometimes. That tends to become obvious only when you see a glaringly obscene example of the real thing – only then does it stand out that some dubious acts thus labelled are actually as water unto wine when it really comes down to it. So forget about those who have crossed the great divide between Elland Road and the Theatre of Hollow Myths – their defections mean nothing at all in the grand scheme of things. We have been amply repaid over the years anyway – luminaries such as Johnny Giles and Gordon Strachan have made the opposite journey and have found glory in all-white. At the end of the day, all of that is just about football – and beside the matter of life, death and justice, football remains very small beer indeed.

Life and death were the issues on that April night so long ago, and events panned out such that two lads, who simply wanted to follow their heroes at a football match, never came home – and have never received real justice. One of them had a son, George, who has had to grow up without his Dad, and who, once upon a time, angrily wanted to point out to a thick-headed footballer the betrayal he believed that footballer was guilty of perpetrating, by his thoughtless act of offering a Galatasaray shirt as a prize in an online competition. George Speight received no apology, no understanding, no acknowledgement from Kewell – just a casual insult and a hollow accusation of racism. There is no greater treachery than that, no baser example of ignorance and poor taste. And now the traitor is back among us once again. It’s very difficult to wish Watford anything but ill-luck and failure, just on this one account. 

Harry Kewell: one-time Leeds star, has-been footballer – and the worst example of self-seeking treachery it’s been my misfortune to witness.

68 responses to “No Leeds United Welcome for UK Returnee Harry “Judas” Kewell – by Rob Atkinson

  1. Steve Trebert

    Lee Bowyer ?

    Sent from my Windows Phone ________________________________


  2. Guiseley White

    Agree totally, don’t forget also the fiasco of a transfer to Liverpool ironically giving his agent a larger slice of the fee than the club got.


  3. Steven emsley

    Kewell is a complete loser we should have sold him years before he went to Liverpool as he loved driving around Leeds in his BMW more than playing football. His agent even wanted Leeds to pay his player insurance when he went to Liverpool he would sell his mother for ten quid that’s the sort of person he is and always will be.I hope he rots in hell with that tweeted shirt on of his Judas the king


    • Kewell went from being worshiped from Leeds fans around the world, to being the most hated player to play for Leeds United, only he knows why he did it money can’t buy you the respect of Leeds fans who idolised you, and hence why you will never be allowed back to ER.


  4. Agreed. I think there’s a class of players who want the best for themselves rather than the club (maybe Ferdinand is in that group, I don’t think Smith is), and there’s another group whose behaviour has let us down and damaged the club (Bowyer to a point, but Woodgate generally gets off more lightly than he should). I’d put Smith with the likes of Howson and Milner as having been given very little choice between advancing their career and staying with the club, even being told the two were mutually exclusive.

    Kewell’s something rare and different. I can’t think of any player as graceless as Kewell in the way he treated Leeds on his departure or in the way he has behaved afterwards.

    My view though is that the better we treat the legends – Bremner and all that team, Charles, Collins, Radebe, etc – the more we create the incentive to emulate them. Better to just ignore the likes of Kewell and concentrate on the good.


  5. Well said rob , been waiting a long time for someone to publicly slate him , my jaw nearly hit the floor when he signed for the turkscum , how any Leeds player that was involed that night and witness the aftermath could have pulled on that turkscum shirt is behond me , I hope he enjoyed his 30 peices of silver the Judas bastard


  6. Alessandro del Piero had the chance to join Liverpool after years loyal service to Juventus. He went to the Australian League instead whilst explaining why he had done so. No explanation needed…legend! Kewell is and always will be a first class, up his own arse, smug c**t


  7. I hated Kewell when he and is agent got most of the transfer fee when the prat moved to Liverpool .as for Bowyer he.s a saint in comparison.


    • And what did Bowyer do the last year in Leeds? Just walking around om the pitch Walking out his contract to go för free and take the money to his own pocket, and with Bowyer there were some off field happenings who leave the club and fans with a bitter taste


  8. That fateful night in Turkey brought many ‘rival’ fans closer together. I will never forget visiting Elland Rd with my family to read all the grief stricken messages left at the shrine for Chris and Kevin around The Billy Bremner Statue, messages and team shirts from Man Utd and many other ‘rival’ supporters who were so appalled and horiffied by what had taken place, it was on that day that I realized I no longer hated fans of other clubs, sure there was still the banter involved with rival sets of fans but things changed for me. I was delighted when Chelsea made it through the other night, I was hoping Man Utd would do the same to fly the English flag in the Champions League.
    I used to love watching Kewell in the white shirt of Leeds, but words cannot express how I feel about what he has done to the names of those boys and their loved ones.
    A very well written piece Rob. It is a timely reminder of what really is important in life, and Mr. Kewell will always have to live with what he did and what we think of his actions.


    • And weve got Aaron Cawley………can someone find this jerk and knee cap him as hes obviously out to tarnish our club and hes not even from leeds


  9. Rob once again you have hit the nail on the head . How a leeds player who played in that game a few short hours after our lads were killed could ever contemplate playing for that team , is a disgrace , not just to the memory of Chris and Kevin but shows contempt to their families and the supporters who will never forget the horror that was witnessed on that fateful night. Rest in peace boys , forever part of the Leeds United family…. M.O.T


  10. Rob – I read your articles and often say to myself I could not put it better and on this occasion I write to tell you that. If there are any apologists out there who say he is only a footballer with a limited career and must make his money where he can then your article should put even these to bed. A Judas indeed – words fail me – but not you thankfyully.


  11. The lowest of the low by several fathoms. He is so arrogant he doesn’t even realise the magnitude of his putrid behaviour. Hope you go bankrupt Kewell, because that’s the only thing that would bother you in life.


  12. Long before this episode I began referring to this individual as the Australian git. If you remember he was the first rat to jump our sinking ship when the fire sale started. Spurs offered several million for him but, saying he was a lifelong Liverpool fan, he said he would only sign for them. They quickly realised we were desperate and offered peanuts for him, which we had to accept. Then to add insult to injury him and his agent pocketed the vast majority of the transfer fee.
    If you think back, he was never the same player at Liverpool as he had been here. Purely because he started running with a limp due to having all our cash stuffed down his shorts!
    Sadly I wasn’t surprised at all when he signed for that god awful Turkish lot


  13. scottywhites

    rob hits the nail on the head once again,Kewell [cant belive i have just writen that scumbags name]is a self indulgent piece of shit i had a shirt with his name on the back i had let him off for the 5mil he screwed our club out of when we were nigh on bankrupt, but when news got to me that the little wanker had signed for gala……. just cant say it sorry i took that shirt out into the garden and i burned it on the bomfire .
    What a money grabbing horrible man he is we made him we made him famous we took him to the champ league semis and he has no respect cant belive he didnt appoligise to a family member who used to pay his wages the man made me sick when he left leeds and to hear his name makes me sick now[hope i never meet him in the street cos i would knock his block off]


  14. Ropey Wyla

    Harry Kewell, absolute class on the pitch (for us at least), absolutely devoid of class off it.


  15. A great article Rob. Once again you have nailed it.

    I adored Kewell as a player but his actions when first leaving Leeds completely changed that. The way he held the club to ransom with his agent ManDick (yes I have spelt that right) was a disgrace and he even had the audacity to sue a legend like Gary Lineker who pointed out these facts in his article for the Telegraph.

    As for joining Gala scum – well you just wouldn’t have thought it possible on that horrible night and the few days that followed as you rightly say in your excellent piece.

    To place him in the same company as Bates is the highest level of insult from me. In fact I may even say he has knocked Bates off the number one spot.

    His tweet to young Speight was ignorance plus ten! And when he realised his gaff he still tried to justify his actions without apology or remorse.

    A disgraceful human being who I wish nothing but pain & misery.


  16. wetherby white

    coming from wetherby, kewell and most of his pals lived in millionaires row in nearby village of Linton. Local Italian resteraunt Alacanda was often visited by leeds players and Kewell was always famous for being the only one who never gave autographs, shit towards kids (mine included) and was a total arse-always! Also used to drive like a nutter in whatever the prat was given to drive that week.
    Got some scouse mates by the way-who think about as little of him as we do.


  17. I will never forgive the way that “Judas Kewell” and his greedy, arrogant agent, took 2 million for themselves, out of the 5 million that Leeds received from Liverpool, for Kewell’s transfer.
    Kewell’s agent called Leeds a bunch of mugs, when at that time Leeds needed every penny and I compare that shabby situation to a millionaire pinching money out of a beggars hat.
    As for Kewell having the audacity to join the disgusting Galatasaray, I found the whole thing a total disgrace, from a greedy player, who will never be welcome at Leeds again.


  18. The FL have finally got off our backs rob,. Now lets all get to ER on sat and give him a true yorkshire welcome… F**k kewell and all the other rats that’s brought shame on themselves , marching on together


  19. I had a shirt signed by kewell I kept it after the Liverpool transfer but the day he signed for that scum doesn’t seem bad enough description anyway I took it wife said what you doing as I set fire to it in garden I said I can’t have any thing to do with him in the house it must bother him that were he had what I think is his best time as a footballer because he didn’t set world alight at Liverpool nobody cares about him and unlike all the ones that did cross the Pennines are still welcome at ER even dare I say Ferdinand


  20. Peter Barnes? Him signing for Scum is the best thing he ever did for us. Worst Leeds player ever. More like sabotage than treachery.


  21. Hate is a strong word.

    Let’s face it most of us don’t really hate other clubs, hell I’ve even got a mate that supports salford united.

    For most of us its just fun to see the likes of man u and chelsea loose.

    But I do hate galatasary. The shits should have been banned from Europe years ago.c

    kewell, could have been a legend,but will be remembered as a traitorous money grabbing scumbag.


  22. Rob, again you speak for the vast majority if fans, again. Let me, if I may tell you a little story, when I became a dad for the first time I was certain that I would introduce my “Blood” to the Mighty Whites, whatever the sex of my offspring, Leeds would be his/her club, “she” turned out to be as big a fan as you can imagine. I gave up my season ticket to regularly take my daughter to games and we would sit in the family stand often, from when she was 8 years old and onwards,as you can imagine Mr Kewell was her favourite player and adored him, even having her face painted with his name scrawled on it, and refusing to wash for days, she simply had a child like crush on a young handsome, gifted and fit footballer, and that crush lasted until he signed for that club, when he signed for the Turks she was older, and wiser and confided in me that she feels sick to the pit of her stomach, sick that she could have had such feelings and regard for a man who was more interested in money than his fellow man. She no longer has the pictures, the posters,his autograph and his shirt (I`m so proud, I did something right!),They were burnt on our Guy Fawkes on our bonfire the year he signed for the disgusting animals in Turkey. It was a ritual I remember well. She is still a mad Leeds fan! Bless.


  23. RoystonLUFC

    I remember when all English teams were barred from playing in European competitions as a consequence of those racist pigs at Heysel. Should every English football supporter have been punished for the actions of a few knuckle-draggers? Of course not. That was a gross miscarriage of justice by any standards. By exactly the same token, should Galatasaray football club be conflated with the “fans” who committed these atrocities? Of course not.

    I’ve enjoyed many of your articles, Rob, but this one is completely wrong. If I go out tonight and punch some scum fan to death and dance on his grave (and believe me, I would enjoy doing such a thing) is that a reflection on LUFC? Of course not, it’s a reflection of my own stupidity/fanaticism/irrationality/etc and no-one in their right minds should hold LUFC to account for my actions. And my despicable behaviour should not be allowed to affect any footballing fixture – anywhere. And I firmly believe this regardless of the context in which such an appalling incident occurred.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Do you not remember the wat that disgrace of a club actually supplied free buses to ferry their scum to the airport to intimidate opposing fans and players as soon as the plane landed. Do you not remember the way they encouraged their scum to be the way they were and their refusal to do anything about it. Do you not remember that the flowers and scarved around Billy Bremners statue and the Fullerton Park fence were removed before they got their so as not to affect the minds of their players. Do you not remember them bleating about one of their players being hit with a coin.
      They are not an innocent football club and have never been punished for what happened.


      • RoystonLUFC

        Steve, ferrying your fans to the airport (or even to a football match) is not the same as some scum taking upon themselves to murder someone. There is no correlation whatsoever. I’m just trying to introduce some rationality here because most of what’s being posted is based on emotion – and emotion and irrationality do not make comfortable bed-fellows. I have no time for Galatasaray, or any other football club other than my beloved Leeds; but I refuse to bow to this “common cause” stuff. Common cause is used by our enemies to beat us all with and we have no interest in subscribing to such a disgraceful notion.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I have to say you’re way out on a limb here and in danger of dropping off a twig. However far you lean over backwards to be ever so fair and reasonable, the FACT is that Galatasaray showed zero respect or compassion at the time and have failed to reform or condemn, or even control, those ape fans of theirs. I find your attitude incomprehensible to be honest.


  24. Couldn’t agree more. The first time I noticed this parasites contempt for Leeds United and it’s supporters was after the Arsenal game at Highbury when we beat them 3-2 to stay up and stop their chances of winning the league. He had scored a great goal that day to his credit but after the match he was a disgrace. I can still see plain as day Gary Kelly and Ian Harte hugging eachother while running over to celbrate survival with the rest of the team and supporters. Meanwhile straight after the whistle, Kewell turned his miserable back and disappeared straight down the tunnel. He WAS a good player but he NEVER had any loyalty above that for his bank manager


  25. Royston , the whole point of this particular blog , as far as I read it , is to question if kewell was right or wrong to sign for them ,, and as a team member on that terrible night and a witness to its aftermath then kewell is guilty of being a selfish , disrespectful , money grabbing Judas… He knew only too well the hurt and upset it would cause but he did it for pure financial gain , hence Judas


    • RoystonLUFC

      Mr Orange, I understand perfectly well the point of the article. I also appreciate the fact that Rob published my comments (and he has done so on previous occasions) – he’s no coward and he’s more than willing to allow opposite viewpoints – even on an emotional issue such as this – so much respect to him. And out of that respect I’m not going to pursue this issue any further; after all, it’s his article and if I have many points on which I disagree (which is the case) I should really publish my own article. It wouldn’t be too popular amongst the many Leeds fans who have become subservient to the modern day trend of ersatz emotion, so probably not worth pursuing. But credit to Rob for a great series of blogs. Long may they continue.



  26. I am talking about footbsll hers life it or not my son who is 13 years old only identifies that team a decade ago with kewell and viduka. Kewell was a football legend who should have played for a team other than that team from turkey.


  27. Rob, your article really hits a raw nerve.
    You can buy most things in life ,as no doubt Kewell can with his blood money, but you can’t buy integrity and class.
    Unfortunately, Kewell is from a generation that fail to understand those values.
    Thankfully Mr Cellino seems a perfect fit for Leeds and I can’t wait for us to get back to a level where we can look down on this type of lowlife footballer scum. Maybe then we can forgive but never forget?


    • The mantra relating back to Istanbul is “never forgive, never forget”, but that’s for the murderers and the low life scum who supported and defended them. Maybe one day a mere footballer can be forgiven, it’s not for me to say.


  28. Here in Melbourne, we’ve been subjected to double-page spreads on Kewell, it’s enough to “make puke”, as young Ercole would no doubt say…
    Personally, I wouldn’t cross the street to see Kewell play. He’s lived off his reputation for many years and has hardly played in his five-minute Australian career, yet the media are hypeing it up like the Beatles are back in town. I wish him nothing but misfortune in his remaining years, during which time he just might become mature enough to reflect on, and regret, the disgraceful decision to choose Galatasaray at a time when hundreds of clubs would have been happy to sign him up. MOT.


  29. Granulated

    Excellent piece. Downside….gonna be angry and upset for the rest of the day.


  30. Als harry kewell was very well looked after by lufc from a young age,what a callous cold way to repay them,and to not say sorry to kevins lad is as bad as anything ive ever heard sportswise,greedy kewell and an act of treason.


  31. Good article. What a cretin that guy is.
    Alan Smith remains my childhood hero. He did what he had to for the club. I’m glad his pictures still hang proudly within Elland Road.


  32. Pingback: As Leeds Face Bogey Side Derby, We Look Back to a Famous Comeback Win – by Rob Atkinson | La Vita, Leeds United, l'Universo e Tutto

  33. Steve Denton

    Thanks for explaining the reason for the venom in my hatred for Kewell, sometimes I tend to go into a bit of a rant when trying to explain it to the lads I now work with in Scotland, I can’t say I’ve ever blamed Allan Smith for his move, the lad was Leeds through and through and he gave blood for the Whites, to give his share of his fee back to the club proved that, and as you say, when it comes down to it, its just football, where as I had a strong dislike for Kewell before his move to turkey, but I was still stunned by how low he sank and I can’t put into words what I think should happen to him, not without a visit from the police anyway, I hope for my sake and my freedom that our paths never cross


  34. Kewell has the morals of A scrap yard dog!! heartless bastard. NUFC.


  35. glad smith is not hated by leeds fans,came to us because everton and Newcastle would not pay leeds up front .he is and will always be a leeds utd fan but always gave his all for us.he swore never to play for man utd but made the ultimate sacrifice to save the club he loved .


  36. Reblogged this on Life, Leeds United, the Universe & Everything and commented:

    Harry Kewell has been tweeting his bizarre admiration for that scum club from Istanbul and their sub-human “fans” again. What a shallow, vapid creature Kewell is. No loyalty, no sense of decency, no redeeming characteristics at all. Just a pea-brain with room for thoughts only about the most important person in his life: Harry “Judas” Kewell.


  37. Rob I’m too furious for words. Thank God you had the calm head to write them for me. This man, once a family hero is officially now nothing but an imbecile. The fact that he is an ex Leeds footballer does not forgive his complete lack of understanding and compassion.


    • Every now and again, he seems to feel the need to provoke us Leeds fans who will NEVER forget and NEVER forgive what happened that awful day. Beside this sick compulsion of his to rub our noses in it, his ripping off of LUFC over his transfer to Liverpool is pretty tame stuff. But both are typical of a pathetic man with zero moral fibre and total self-involvement.


  38. martin haynes

    Mr. Royston i’m afraid you are too intelligent for your own good. What i do find sad however is that you are very much in a minority. Peace and good will to one and all.


  39. Pingback: Wes Sneijder and His Galatasaray Knives; Vicious, Malicious or Just Stupid?   –   by Rob Atkinson | Life, Leeds United, the Universe & Everything

  40. You are tightvRob. He is a total knob!


  41. Dear Sir

    Wonderfully well-written article about such a very important issue that all of our children should be made aware.

    The disgraceful behaviour of Harry Kewell is a lesson to us all that we must act with sensitivity, dignity, honour and reasonableness, taking care to be loyal and devoted to those who care about us and most certainly never to put money above the importance of our own integrity and not to sell out and betray other persons.

    i am so grateful that you have written this thought provoking article, thank you.

    Indeed, Harry Kewell should be utterly ashamed of himself for his behaviour and I hope that he looks back and thinks to himself”i should not have done that, what a terrible thing to have done, a terrible mistake” and that he intends one day to apologise properly and fully and try to find some way of making those persons who he hurt so badly feel a little bit better.

    However, it is probable that he never pays this a moments thought as he enjoys the lifestyle that he has ‘earned’, partially through his treachery.

    He could have been remembered so differently by all of us, that is such a deep shame, but i expect some good does come from having the opportunity to recall the good deeds of so many wonderful Leeds United fans, pulling together for the families of Chris Loftus and Kevin Speight following the tragic events surrounding our fallen brothers.

    Harry Kewell should always be deeply ashamed of himself for his behaviour and seemingly he will never know the positive feeling of joy we all have from marching on together.

    sincerely, with respect to you,
    John Gibson


  42. God I despise that little scrote and it gives me much satisfaction his career went downhill when he left us. I’ll never forget that MTV cribs episode giving us a guided tour around his mansion with all the gay arcade machines and cinema screens. Not a single picture on the wall or ANYTHING to suggest he was even a professional footballer let alone that he gave a dam about whatever club it was he was playing for. It’s worrying that this move came AFTER he had already fleeced us and moved us closer to bankruptcy quoting ‘it wasn’t his problem anymore’. As if that wasn’t enough.


  43. mrbigwheels

    This has just ‘blown’ my band width… am wondering if I needed all that?…


  44. Anderson Ian

    This article reads like it was written by a child but it wasn’t. It was written by a grown man determined to make a pretty nasty and prepared to use the death of a couple of people to do it.

    Kewll played for a club and the club did not kill anybody. You know that. The people who did are in a minority there and you know that. Kewell played for Leeds as a part of his career and not because he loved the club and you know that. Most Turkish fans were not celebrating fans getting killed and you know that.

    You know it but still you want to pretend you don’t so you can write this nasty piece. It’s spiteful lies.

    You don’t like Kewell so say that don’t make lazy unjustifiable arguments that paint a whole club’s fans by the actions of its worse fans.


    • An object lesson in not getting the point and failing to identify the issue. When you lean THAT far backwards in the effort to disagree – is it really such a surprise that you’ve ended up falling on your arse and looking stupid?

      As Capt. Mainwaring might have said: Stupid boy.


      • Anderson Ian

        You keep telling yourself that Rob. Keep telling yourself that it’s not who is distorting the facts it’s readers who are in the wrong. I notice you don’t bother refuting anything and it does not take a genius to work out why.

        You write this living in an echo chamber where no one challenges your views. You’ll get plenty of people telling you you are right.

        But what you’ve said reads like a tumblr post slagging off a girl who has dumped you, and that you bring dead bodies into your spurned lover narrative is a bit off.

        Plenty of other places I can get my Leeds news from and I don’t need to comeback here so you can throw a few more insults my way. I wont see them.


      • I bow to your more intimate knowledge of hormonal outbursts on Tumblr – it’s not really my scene, but I’ll wager it forms 90% of your social life. I never bother refuting stuff that’s self-evidently bollocks – I respect the intelligence of my readership and they can make their own minds up. This reply is as much for their benefit as anything else, as you’ve made a point of assuring me that you’re now flouncing off. But it’s worth mentioning that your view on this matter has you as part of a tiny minority – then again, I’m confident that’s where you’ve spent most of your life.


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